Made in Connecticut: 2023 Manufacturing Summit
Athletic Brewing Company chief operating officer Jamie Lissette is the featured speaker for the Made in Connecticut: 2023 Manufacturing Summit, presented by CBIA, CONNSTEP, and ReadyCT.
The Milford-based manufacturer ranks number 26 on Inc. Magazine’s Top 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in the country and Lissette shares the behind-the-scenes story of how Athletic is disrupting the brewing industry, growing revenues more than 13,000% in the last three years.
Connecticut chief manufacturing officer Paul Lavoie joins us for an update on state programs and initiatives for manufacturers and his outlook for the sector.
We release the 2023 Connecticut Manufacturing Report at the summit and a panel of manufacturing leaders will review the report’s findings and share their best practices for navigating challenges and opportunities.
The U.S. Commercial Service’s Connecticut District Export Council recognizes outstanding contributors to state manufacturing exports and we’ll present our annual manufacturing awards.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to network with your peers and learn what’s happening in Connecticut’s critical manufacturing sector!
7:30 am | Networking Breakfast
8:30 am | Opening Remarks
- Chris DiPentima, President & CEO, CBIA
8:45 am | State, National Manufacturing Outlook
9:15 am | 2022 Connecticut Manufacturing Report: Results & Insights
10 am | Networking Break
10:15 am | Behind the Disruptors: The Athletic Brewing Story
- Jamie Lissette, COO, Athletic Brewing Co.
11 am | Connecticut District Export Council Awards
11:20 am | 2023 Connecticut Manufacturing Awards
11:40 am | Adjourn